Project Description
The VAE project intends to implement a procedure based on the French model of VAE (Validation of acquired skills and experiences), leading to a certificate, a degree or a diploma through recognition of work experience.
VAE is a procedure for the recognition of prior learning that enables any French educational institution to give diplomas partially or completely based on work experience.
Anyone involved in working life, whatever their age, profession, situation, can access the procedure, provided they have at least 1 year of work experience.
The heart of the project is to disseminate a method for the implementation of VAE (validation of acquired experience) courses aimed at obtaining a certification, a statement or a diploma through a procedure of recognition and validation of competences learned in the partner countries.
VAE is a “new chance”, a way of recognising the worker socially and professionally and facilitating free access to the internal and external labour market.

The digital platform, hosting all the project deliverables in the different languages of the partnership, provides VAE applicants and tutors with useful resources for the implementation of the VAE process, such as:
- Regulatory Analysis: a comprehensive analysis of the laws that regulate the application of VAE in the partner countries and a study for the transferability of the French model of VAE to other EU countries.
- Quality Charter: guidelines for the correct implementation of the VAE procedure.
- VAE Testing: learning materials and resources of the VAE piloting test implemented in project countries
- The free of charge access to

Project Results

The main objective of this experiment is to disseminate a methodology for recognizing the skills acquired in the workplace in the partner countries.
Indeed, through these procedures, the candidate acquires several skills such as:
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